Come Grow with Me: Let’s turn our visions into realities

I’m so excited this year to bring my life into a new level of success. You might be curious where this drive and excitement is coming from. Well, it’s coming from my GUT… and the fact that I’m done with playing it small! It’s time to step up the game.

It’s all about the vision. Your vision has to be so clear you can almost smell it, touch it, live it. Your vision motivates you to work harder. It drives you to go get it. It is important to build a clear and strong vision because when things go on a plateau it is your vision that will see you through and keep you going. Your vision serves as your big WHY!

I’m continuously working on my vision so I can see with clarity what it is I am aiming to achieve. When you define your life with a purpose and work on it with laser-focused vision, amazing things will happen. I believe it. You should too.

I’m not going to talk so much about my vision for wealth or income here as I have discussed this thoroughly in my Atomy Wealth Builder Newsletter, issue 1.

Life has several aspects and in each aspect I have a vision to achieve.

1. Leaner and fitter me by June, 2017

Action Plan: I’m currently doing a 30-day fit challenge. I will do this all year round with different challenges; Eat healthy. Be more proactive about my health – see docs, take supplements, etc.

Message me if you want to join me in my fitness challenge. View this post to know more about my fitness challenge. 

2. Stronger bond with my growing kids.

Action Plan: Find stuff we can do together.

Flash news: My son is very athletic and also enjoys teaching. We bonded over my fitness challenge and we’re currently doing it together. My princess joins us sometimes. I am extremely happy with this!  I have been looking hard for a fitness buddy, who knew it was going to be my 15-year-old son!

3. Reach out to more Snowflakes (Myasthenia Gravis patients) in 2017 and help MG society become more cohesive with strong legacy projects.

Action Plan: Own up to my position of Board of Director for Communications. Spend 15-30 minutes daily working on our projects. Get the blog moving to spread awareness and help in fundraising.

I’m finding it difficult to put in 15-30 minutes daily. I’ll keep trying. One thing that keeps me going is finding other Snowflakes who are willing to help others. Their compassion motivates me when things become overwhelming. 

4. Personal growth – I’ve come to realize that I will only thrive in my relationships, in business and in life in general when I invest in my personal growth.

Action Plan: Invest in my personal development by reading / watching personal development stuff daily. It can be in small doses. 

I’m doing well on this one.

5.  Pay it forward. Long distance travel (Philippines) in 2-3 years to help train disadvantaged peoples in livelihood skills.

Action Plan: work on Action Plans 1 -6.

Now that I’ve shared all these with you I feel accountable to my Action Plan. I’m putting it out there that 2017 will be a year of commitment and focus for me.  Let’s do this journey together. Share your vision with me. Our vision will strengthen our drive, and keep us motivated. When the going gets tough it is our vision that will pull us through. Get that pen and paper and write down your vision for 2017. Share it with me, with your friends and family, put it out there and hold yourself accountable.

Hustle & soar baby! Let’s turn our vision boards into realities.



Come Grow with Me: I’m done playing small!

There are just so many things that can happen in 2017! I’m done playing small. I have decided to play it big this year and to give it my all. I haven’t really figured all it out yet. But I will along the way. I’m so done with getting ready to get ready. Do you feel me now? So tonight,. January 9, 2017 at 9:59 p.m., you read it right! Let’s do this. Come Grow with Me!

So there, I’ve made the initial steps to what SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE do (According to network  marketing guru Eric Worre):

  1. They say YES to taking action – I say RIGHT ON!
  2. Tell the world of their decision – Hey world this is the big announcement.
  3. They figure it out. Yes, I will figure it out too.

I have a lot of work to do on no. 3 — but hell yeah I will! I hate to borrow lines, but they are so good not to use. Here’s one of my favorites from Sir Richard Branson – Screw it! Just do it!.



Happy New Year to all!

Happy 2017!


I’m writing this on the last days of 2016 and reflecting on how the year has been. Moving forward I look back, mindful of practicing an attitude of gratitude. So here is list of blessings I am thankful for in 2016:

  1. My significant other – He rocks my world.
  2. Children – They also rock my world.
  3. Parents – Eternally grateful to them, especially my mom who is a special kind of wonderful.
  4. Good friends – They’re like sprinkles in my ice cream. We all need good friends for life.
  5. Stable health – I cannot claim good health and the next best thing is having a stable condition. I am thankful for that.
  6. Weekends – I get to spend more time with my hubby and kids, some friends too.
  7. Home – Keeps my family warm and toasty in the winter and cool in the summer.
  8. New business ventures – Very promising and exciting; keeps me motivated.
  9. Opportunities, even the missed ones.
  10. Mini getaways – I treasure these mini holidays once or twice a year.
  11. Fresh air and clean water.
  12. Smart phones – Oh yeah! I’m thankful for my old Samsung 4. It keeps me connected with family, friends and business mentors and friends. I think it’s time for an upgrade though.
  13. Kindness of strangers – A kind lady helped me out when the machine “ate” my token. There are many instances when least expected that was the latest one.
  14. My creative talents
  15. My Myasthenia Gravis community – amazing support group who are there for each other.
  16. Entertainment – A sure way of de-stressing.
  17. Sunrise and sunsets, moon and stars – brings out the romantic in us in cool summer nights.
  18. Love
  19. Strength
  20. Modern medicine – What would I do without my doctors?
  21. Canada – I am a grateful to Canada for all the opportunities not only for me, but for my children as well, for diversity, for life-long learning… the list is endless.
  22. Philippines – I take pride in being a Filipino. I’m thankful for my Filipino heritage.
  23. Music, art and poetry
  24. Good food on the table –
  25. Walks & hikes – Grateful for my strong legs.
  26. Tears – A reminder of my vulnerability.
  27. Gawad Kalinga & Gawad Kalinga Canada – This community is filled with compassionate people. I am grateful for knowing them and the work they do.
  28. Clean water – I have learned not to take anything for granted. It is sad that in some countries lack of water has become a source of conflict.
  29. Clean air
  30. Electricity

An attitude of gratitude makes us positive and attracts more blessings. This is the time of the year most of us make plans for the year ahead. This year had its challenges but staying positive, motivated and focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on the issues helped me overcome them. The year ahead is full of promise. I look forward to 2017 with renewed hope. May we be more loving, more giving, more compassionate, and yes, more grateful. Cheers everyone! Happy 2017!

Stay Strong despite challenges

Photo grabbed from Devian Art.*

This is for a friend who is going through challenges right now..I wish you strength. Never let anyone steal your lovely smile… in fact keep them wondering why you are still smiling despite the tough times. Today, focus on things that will shape a better tomorrow. Things will get better, they always do. Keep the faith! 

What it takes to succeed


Without action, all your goals, plans and strategies mean nothing. Let’s take it from my favorite thought leader, motivational speaker and author Jim Rohn who said “success is the steady progress in reaching your goals.” Steady progress comes from doing something daily. It means following your mission and giving life to your vision.

Photo credit: AZ Quotes* 

Walk the talk

We all seem to look for the secret sauce to success. What is it? What do we need to do to succeed in our personal lives, careers and businesses?  Don’t be surprised if I tell you that you know the answer, you know the secret sauce. Mr. Rohn says attaining success is “common sense but not common practice.”

This is what I love about Mr. Rohn. His message is simple, yet powerful. What we need to do to attain goals is to work on them. Put that blueprint into action. Don’t just talk about your goals and plans, do it!  When the mind says, it’s impossible, still do it. My other favorite author and motivator Sir Richard Branson says “Screw it. Just Do it.” Powerful message. When you have fears, self-doubts and all these things that are holding you back — just do it. Take a deep breath and do it! From experience, Sir Richard’s principle is liberating. The end result is self-fulfillment.

Nothing is achieved without doing. All these  strategies we’ve learned on how to move forward and succeed mean nothing if we do nothing. Simply put, to succeed in our life goals, we need to act on them. We need to be actively pursuing them. We need to run the race.

Getting out of your comfort zone

If you desire change in your life, then embrace change in thoughts and in actions. Don’t expect the same results from doing the same things. When you’ve decided you’ve had enough of the mediocre life that you’re leading right now, then go and pursue change. Give it 100% effort because no half-ass effort will work. Anything half-ass will take you back to where you started. Trust me, I lived it.

Don’t fear living outside your comfort zone because that’s where real change begins.  Rise up and shine people! Your time time has come. Make this move today. Pursue change, get out of our comfort zones. Life gets better. You deserve it. Pursue what you are worthy of.

~ Karly Quinn